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Foire aux Questions

How long will it take for my doll to arrive?

Your love doll usually arrives at your door between two and a half and three months.

  • Once you have placed your order, we will check the options you have chosen with you.
  • Within 24 hours of verification, we send your order to production.
  • Your doll is made to order in an average of 20 to 30 days, some require more time, you will find this information on each product sheet to the right of the photos in "Production time & Transport".

Will I have to pay customs fees?

NoThe price shown is the final price, including transport. We take care of these costs, so you don't have to add anything.

Payment in instalments - Do you ship my doll immediately after ordering?

YesAll orders are processed in the same way regardless of the payment method chosen.

Is the package discreet?

Yesthere is no no mention of dolls outside. Only your postal address required for delivery is visible.

Can I track my order?

YesOnce your doll has been produced, you receive a updated every 10 to 15 days on average disponibles votre espace client et par e-mail.

What delivery options are available?

All our dolls are delivered by UPS, DHL or Fedex.

Can I reschedule my delivery if I missed the first one?

YesOnce your doll has cleared customs, you can reschedule your delivery to suit your schedule.

How do I clean my doll?

The hair

Wash wig with conditioner and rinse.

Pour magnifier ses cheveux, donner de la brillance et un parfum qui vous plaît :

Apply argan oil to the palm of your hands and spread it over your fingers. Run your hands through her hair, as if your fingers were a comb, to distribute the oil as evenly as possible.

Leave to dry naturally, do not use a hair dryer.

Avoid the fan that blows dust, as it will stick to your hair.

His face

Make a mixture of Marseille soap and shower gel and dilute it to 20% with water.

Remove eyes and foam, then spray mixture onto face and head. Clean by hand, making circles. Make sure the TPE is always damp, so that it glides easily.

Rinse thoroughly and quickly, do not allow the soapy mixture to dry on the skin.

Pat dry with a microfiber towel. Never rub.

Her make-up

Will fade very slightly but does not go away with soap and water.

Si vous souhaitez retirer le maquillage pour en refaire un nouveau, vous avez besoin de :

  • Cotton buds and make-up remover pads
  • Cleansing milk
  • Kerosene oil (pharmacy) or, failing that, sweet almond oil (supermarket).

Gentle method

Start at the top of the face and work your way down. Apply a dab of cleansing milk to your finger, then massage the area to be cleansed to moisten it.

Using a cotton bud, pick up the cleansing milk and massage it into the make-up area. Repeat the operation until the make-up is completely removed.

Do not rub if the area is dry, even with absorbent cotton. Re-moisten the area with cleansing milk.

Strong method

Kerosene or sweet almond oil is more effective for removing make-up, but you should use it with care as it can quickly saturate the TPE and damage it.

We recommend that you start gradually. Once you're more experienced, you'll know when you can afford to use more or less oil.

Global Cleaning

TPE is technically porous, so cleaning and drying are important to prevent the proliferation of bacteria. During normal cleaning, TPE should be considered waterproof, as water will not penetrate the pores of the skin.

During cleaning, the hand-feel is similar to that of a waxed cloth.

Nevertheless, we recommend that you protect the head/body junction as a preventive measure. The body's M16 male thread is made of stainless steel, and its junction with the body is theoretically watertight. Over time, however, this junction may become slightly damp.

It's crucial never to allow water to penetrate between the skeleton and the TPE, to avoid mold growth. Protect this junction with cellophane paper.

Using the same mixture as for the face, spray on and clean by hand in circular motions.

Start at the top and work your way down.

Rinse quickly so as not to let the soap dry out, and repeat the operation on the same area as needed, without becoming too relentless.

If dirt persists, dab with a micro-fiber so that the dirt sticks to the micro-fiber.

Start with the head, then shoulders and arms, torso - back and down to the feet. Sometimes it's not possible to do the back at the same time, so you'll have to turn it over.


Air-dry whenever possible. Otherwise, use micro-fiber towels, ideally white, and dab until completely dry.

Once clean and dry, your doll is sticky and the skin surface isn't as soft as before. This is normal, as your love doll will regain a very pleasant feel in the following steps.

Moisturizing your doll's TPE

TPE is a material that "breathes" and gradually spits out mineral oil. Regular rehydration is essential to keep your doll in perfect condition for the long term, and prevent tears and cracks.

Using kerosene oil, available in chemists' shops, massage your doll's body from top to bottom. Apply a drop in your hands and spread it over her body until the glide is oily all over. Don't saturate the TPE, just spread as much as you need to make it glide.

Regain your peach skin

Sprinkle cornstarch or talcum powder over her body, starting from the head. You can use a make-up pad to dab the talc on the torso, back, pelvis and leg.

Using a shaving brush or wide, soft make-up brush, spread the powder over the body until it feels as silky as on the first day. Do not powder excessively.

Generally speaking, when your doll's TPE becomes sticky, it needs to be powdered.

Do this quickly to avoid dust clumping on the sticky part.

The right balance for TPE

  • Washing, make-up, soap, talcum powder, handling, dressing, undressing, dries out the TPE.
  • Oiling with kerosene oil hydrates the TPE.

Too dry and the TPE will crack, too oily and it will soften or even blister. Keep the balance right with this simple rule:

  • Oil absorption time less than 4 h = dry headstock
  • Oil absorption time equal to 4 h = hydrated doll
  • Oil absorption time greater than 4 h = do not add more oil

Not all areas are equal when it comes to dehydration. An eyelid, ear or large lip will saturate with mineral oil much more quickly than a thigh.

Armpits, groins, around the breasts and under the buttocks are particularly sensitive areas. Be sure to rehydrate them every month. If your doll is handled daily, be sure to rehydrate weekly.

A face that regularly wears make-up and talcum powder dries out faster, but facial skin is much thinner than arm skin. It therefore requires less oil, but more regular application.

As intimate parts are much more exposed to friction, we recommend that you do not apply talcum powder to avoid cracking.

For rehydration, apply a thin layer of kerosene oil or petroleum jelly in a measured quantity to avoid saturation.

Intimate area cleaning

Don't wait to clean up after use.

Gently insert 2-3 tampons per port to absorb the bulk of the fluids, leave to absorb for 15 - 30 minutes. Gently remove and recycle.

Using an enema bulb, inject a mixture of Marseille soap + shower gel. Or wash with an appropriate soapy brush, always making sure to introduce it gently. The soap should lubricate the brush as it enters your doll's private parts.

Fill cavities without high pressure and drain. Repeat at least three times.

Still using an enema bulb, rinse thoroughly using the same principle.

Dry ducts with sanitary tampons, or alternatively a sheet of paper towel inserted along the entire length, or a microfiber towel.

Pads are ideal, as they are highly absorbent, and when extracted, soak up moisture from the walls. Don't forget the pads at the bottom of your doll.

Intimate area disinfection

Soak a swab in 3 % nitrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide), then insert it briefly through the hole to the bottom. Remove it; the operation takes just a few seconds.

To guarantee complete drying, with no chance of mold proliferation, we recommend inserting absorbent sachets or a diatomite stone. Your doll must be perfectly dry beforehand.

They will absorb the last traces of moisture, so leave them overnight at least. You may want to leave them in until you're ready to use them again. Otherwise, keep them for later use if they are perfectly dry.

Which lubricant is best for my doll?

Water-based lubricant only. Because it does not interfere with silicone and TPE. Do not use silicone-based lubricants.

Vaseline is a mineral oil that will rehydrate your TPE if you use it as a lubricant. In itself, this isn't a problem if Vaseline is used as is, as long as the TPE's moisture balance is respected.

Vaseline as a lubricant every 15 days, no worries.

Toutes les semaines, méfiance !

Every day, or several times a day, don't do this.

What's the difference between a built-in and a removable vagina?

The removable vagina is a convenience for cleaning, and can be extracted from the body of your love doll.
You can turn it over completely and wash it in just a few minutes under the tap.

Aesthetically speaking, the rendering is the same: you can't see the removable part from the outside. In terms of feel, the difference is minimal, not to say non-existent.

Ideal for quick cleaning and play.

What's the best way to store my Love Doll?

In a moderate-temperature environment, away from direct light to avoid discoloring the TPE.
Standing up, or hanging by the neck, wrapped in the plaid provided is ideal.

The most common option is to stand it up against a wall with memory foam to prevent deformation of the TPE.

As dust-free as possible. Properly protected, you'll save on cleaning.

Dolls weighing less than 25 kg can potentially lie for days without suffering any deformation of the TPE due to their own weight. Nevertheless, the place is prone to dust.

Should I leave my doll dressed in storage?


Anything that permanently presses on the TPE, such as panty elastic, tight stockings or thin straps, should be avoided if worn for days on end. Like your skin, the TPE will take shape after a few hours. If pressure is maintained for days, the TPE will keep its shape.

For storage, opt for loose-fitting, light-colored clothing, such as dresses or nighties.

Clothing, materials and color transfer

Always wash clothes several times and test a sample of TPE before putting it on.

The choice of colors or materials is primordial.

All dark colors have the potential to transfer and tattoo your doll.

Depending on the material, transfer can be completed in minutes or days.

Risky materials

  • Polyester, spandex, silicone, leathers, cashmere
  • Material blends such as polyester + spandex
  • Dark lace

Recommended materials

  • Cotton
  • Nylon
  • Silk & Satin

Risky colors

  • Black, violet, blue and dark green
  • Red, pink and dark orange

Here are a few examples

A tight-fitting black cotton dress can never be a problem.

A polyester bra with black lace can fade in minutes.

A loose-fitting black polyester babydoll can fade overnight.

Tight red panties for a few hours may not be a problem, but they can fade overnight.

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