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Top 20 Mistakes to Avoid with Your Love Doll

In this article, I wanted to sum up the things we've all done or are likely to do with our dolls before or after purchase.

Some will learn, some will laugh, some will reminisce about their first experiences with their doll(s).
Discovery or nostalgia, take a paper bag to manage your spasmophilia while you read.
We attack with thehe top 20 errors that you'd like to avoid making, because a doll is dear to the heart and dear to everything.

Pre-purchase mistakes

1. Manage your weight ! Having your eyes bigger than your stomach can be physically costly. It's not always easy to realize how much you weigh, especially when you've been making eyes at her from behind the screen.

Solution: carrying a bag of cement or two microwaves should give you a vague idea.

2. Take the measure ! You may see Akane or Iris with huge breasts, they measure just 90 and 100 cm respectively. To put it simply, these are giant figurines, and it's not easy to project yourself just by looking at photos.

Solution: take a tape measure and measure 90 cm along your leg to get a better idea.

If the big one had small breasts, the little one would too. Miniaturization of Game Lady model 167D

3. Put the product photos into perspective ! You love it at first sight, but the post-production photos seem a far cry from the marketing images? No problem!
Seeing a car in a commercial isn't the same as driving it, seeing a hamburger isn't the same as eating it. Factory technicians are trained primarily to make dolls, not to take product photos, but once they're in front of your eyes, you'll be won over.

Solution: read this article for a better understanding.

4. Patience you will have ! To be in a hurry with a doll is a utopia that will ulcerate you. Everything is slow in love doll, from manufacture to use and transport (except for those who evade customs). That's why you'll want to find out as much as you can, and take your time to avoid frustration.
A love doll isn't an Android cable in stock on Amazon, it's more like wedding planning, which takes time.
Solution: buy a yoga mat and practice stretching. It's relaxing and you'll need it when you receive your doll, especially your muscles.

5. Paying high prices means buying solid ! Nope, all adult dolls are fragile, whatever the brand. The heavier they are, the greater the risk of making a blunder. Knowing what to do before you buy your doll is the key to keeping it in excellent condition.

Solution: bookmark Ava Love Doll's blog and watch this video so you don't break the skeleton.

6. Buying too many clothes before receiving it ! The dolls' measurements and constraints mean that the choice of clothes is more limited than you might think.
All dark colors can potentially rub off on a silicone or TPE doll. Taking your new black lingerie to Emmaüs may make you feel uncomfortable, and you may be tempted to discard it discreetly.

Solution: buy a few white or light pink garments to start with and try them on for size; they'll be your guide to what's too small or too big. Later, with experience, you can venture into more colorful clothes and break out the bright red or black lingerie.

7. A doll isn't just a fuck doll ! Sorry to say it, but you didn't just buy a sex doll or a silicone blow-up doll, even if it says so everywhere.
We're more on the order of man's best friend, a fainting miss and more if affinity. You'll have to carry her, take care of her, and only you'll be wagging your tail when you get home.

8. A silicone doll cannot be stained by fabric ! Bad news guys, a silicone doll can, of course, be stained by a garment, wig, pair of shoes or bed sheet like the TPE dolls. It's all the same.

Solutions: opt for less risky materials such as nylon or cotton. Test each cushion, bed sheet or item of clothing against a piece of TPE or silicone to verify that the fabric is 100% safe in the event of contact. You'll be supplied with a piece of silicone or TPE when you buy your doll (same color, same brand).
Use flesh-colored nylon suits to reduce the risk of color transfer, but this is not a guarantee! You can also find it hereThe choice is yours, whether you opt for a full-body suit, with or without sleeves, or just for your legs.

9. Forget hardcore yeast ! As implicitly stated above, a love doll is first and foremost a work of art whose everyday face will delight you. So don't buy a doll with the sole aim of putting it on all fours on your wrists. You'll be disappointed within the next 10 minutes.

Solutions: spread the weight over your forearms and legs, put your doll upright, forearms on a desk, save this practice for Christmas. A totally secure example in photos.

Spanking marks not included, easily done with eye shadow

10. Thinking humanity is deranged buying mini dolls ! Fortunately, not everyone thinks like that.
Imagine instead that people want to collect large figurines, discover the world of dolls at lower cost and weight, and lack the space to store or hide them.

Solution: Learn to distinguish between the reproduction of a child and the miniaturization of a woman.

11. Believing that your dealer is the carrier, the customs agent and even the factory at the same time ! Unfortunately not... All this forms a chain, and it's a little more complicated.
Aucun revendeur n'est transporteur ou fabricant et même un grand groupe français comme CDiscount n'est pas La Poste, DHL et le gouvernement réunis 😉

You'll also stop blaming doll stores for delays, especially when these are clearly and transparently displayed on the website 365 days a year. This is custom manufacturing, not fast food.

Solution: ask about the current lead times, which we update on Ava Love Doll and which vary according to doll manufacturer and period.

Receiving errors

12. Don't cut your doll when you open the parcel! ! Inhale, exhale without over-ventilating, the big box is there, catch your breath after that first effort and relax. Too much euphoria with a sharp blade in your hands is error-prone and you could end up with regrets. Please open the box quietly!
Make room for yourself and unwrap the jewel in zenitude, and enjoy the moment to the full.

13. Forgetting to adjust foot screws ! If you didn't take the stand-up option, we'll still have e-mailed you and in this article. For those who have studied the subject (or who buy the second one), don't forget to adjust the screws on her feet so that they are there to support your doll and not to chop her feet.

Solution: lengthen the doll as soon as it comes out of the box and adjust the screws by hand or with a screwdriver. Allen key.

14. Failure to prepare for arrival ! So, do you invite a lady over without a minimum of preparation? Your waifu is finally here, and you haven't even bothered to clear a square meter or buy a few utensils to give her a proper welcome?
It smells like a doll destroyed in a week! Small, light-colored cotton wipes, cornstarch flour for powdering, swab for cleaning baby bottles The holes in your silicone doll are highly recommended to receive the softness properly.

Certains livreurs ne voient hélas pas la grosse flèche

15. Don't jump on your TPE doll like a pig! ! So what about romance, education and all that? PR for her health! The miss is thirsty for oil following a scorching transport in a generally abused cardboard box.

To top it all off, she'd also have to become a sex slave right out of the package. A little restraint and go buy some kerosene oil, which you should already have by the way. Your doll's oozing with oil, so you think she doesn't need it?
Grave erreur, dès la sortie du carton on a dit 🙂
Madame needs to restore her health to regain all her elasticity and for this she has need to be moisturized. Give him at least three days, it's not much, after three months of waiting.

16. Perfection is not of this world ! Sorry, but even if she's already the chosen one in your heart, the 1500 euro patron saint is imperfect. Joints that are sometimes hard at first, rough spots on the silicone or TPE, mold marks, blurred make-up are all part of the world of love dolls. In short, it's normal, no brand can escape it, and the price won't change a thing.

17. Penetrating a hole in extension ! To preserve the sweet spots, we strongly recommend not visiting them when they're far apart.

Solution: change the inclination of the lady's legs, her position or fax herself into the other orifice.

Extended anus: no go! Upgrade or move your legs

18. Use unsuitable lubricants ! Stick to water-based lubricants only. This is particularly true for TPE dolls, which will quickly be damaged by silicone- or alcohol-based lubricants.

19. Put perfume directly on your doll's skin ! Perfumes contain alcohol, which can damage the surface of the miss. Sobriety we say, and don't forget to turn off the light - it could cost you a kidney.
Solution: spray the fragrance on the outside of the garment to avoid destructive contact.

20. Forget to dry orifices properly ! Humidity and darkness are the perfect cocktail for growing mushrooms. Except that in these places, they're the last thing you want to see. Well, you'll never see them, but if they're itchy after reporting, it's because they don't smell very good.

Solution: always carefully dry your beloved canals, for example with the buffer method.
Pro tips, don't forget them in the back for weeks on end or you'll end up with something gendarmerie blue. Fortunately, I won't mention the smells.

Good news, all bad things must come to an end, like this article. Feel free to add any other points in the comments.
I'll leave you with one of my last photos, a secure anti-piercing elbow and knee position that keeps you warm even in winter.
This softness from the manufacturer Future Doll is made of a soft silicone face, and you can find all its photos here. here.

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Top 20 Mistakes to Avoid with Your Love Doll

In this article, I wanted to sum up the things we've all done or are likely to do with our dolls before or after purchase.

Some will learn, some will laugh, some will reminisce about their first experiences with their doll(s).
Discovery or nostalgia, take a paper bag to manage your spasmophilia while you read.
We attack with thehe top 20 errors that you'd like to avoid making, because a doll is dear to the heart and dear to everything.

Pre-purchase mistakes

1. Manage your weight ! Having your eyes bigger than your stomach can be physically costly. It's not always easy to realize how much you weigh, especially when you've been making eyes at her from behind the screen.

Solution: carrying a bag of cement or two microwaves should give you a vague idea.

2. Take the measure ! You may see Akane or Iris with huge breasts, they measure just 90 and 100 cm respectively. To put it simply, these are giant figurines, and it's not easy to project yourself just by looking at photos.

Solution: take a tape measure and measure 90 cm along your leg to get a better idea.

If the big one had small breasts, the little one would too. Miniaturization of Game Lady model 167D

3. Put the product photos into perspective ! You love it at first sight, but the post-production photos seem a far cry from the marketing images? No problem!
Seeing a car in a commercial isn't the same as driving it, seeing a hamburger isn't the same as eating it. Factory technicians are trained primarily to make dolls, not to take product photos, but once they're in front of your eyes, you'll be won over.

Solution: read this article for a better understanding.

4. Patience you will have ! To be in a hurry with a doll is a utopia that will ulcerate you. Everything is slow in love doll, from manufacture to use and transport (except for those who evade customs). That's why you'll want to find out as much as you can, and take your time to avoid frustration.
A love doll isn't an Android cable in stock on Amazon, it's more like wedding planning, which takes time.
Solution: buy a yoga mat and practice stretching. It's relaxing and you'll need it when you receive your doll, especially your muscles.

5. Paying high prices means buying solid ! Nope, all adult dolls are fragile, whatever the brand. The heavier they are, the greater the risk of making a blunder. Knowing what to do before you buy your doll is the key to keeping it in excellent condition.

Solution: bookmark Ava Love Doll's blog and watch this video so you don't break the skeleton.

6. Buying too many clothes before receiving it ! The dolls' measurements and constraints mean that the choice of clothes is more limited than you might think.
All dark colors can potentially rub off on a silicone or TPE doll. Taking your new black lingerie to Emmaüs may make you feel uncomfortable, and you may be tempted to discard it discreetly.

Solution: buy a few white or light pink garments to start with and try them on for size; they'll be your guide to what's too small or too big. Later, with experience, you can venture into more colorful clothes and break out the bright red or black lingerie.

7. A doll isn't just a fuck doll ! Sorry to say it, but you didn't just buy a sex doll or a silicone blow-up doll, even if it says so everywhere.
We're more on the order of man's best friend, a fainting miss and more if affinity. You'll have to carry her, take care of her, and only you'll be wagging your tail when you get home.

8. A silicone doll cannot be stained by fabric ! Bad news guys, a silicone doll can, of course, be stained by a garment, wig, pair of shoes or bed sheet like the TPE dolls. It's all the same.

Solutions: opt for less risky materials such as nylon or cotton. Test each cushion, bed sheet or item of clothing against a piece of TPE or silicone to verify that the fabric is 100% safe in the event of contact. You'll be supplied with a piece of silicone or TPE when you buy your doll (same color, same brand).
Use flesh-colored nylon suits to reduce the risk of color transfer, but this is not a guarantee! You can also find it hereThe choice is yours, whether you opt for a full-body suit, with or without sleeves, or just for your legs.

9. Forget hardcore yeast ! As implicitly stated above, a love doll is first and foremost a work of art whose everyday face will delight you. So don't buy a doll with the sole aim of putting it on all fours on your wrists. You'll be disappointed within the next 10 minutes.

Solutions: spread the weight over your forearms and legs, put your doll upright, forearms on a desk, save this practice for Christmas. A totally secure example in photos.

Spanking marks not included, easily done with eye shadow

10. Thinking humanity is deranged buying mini dolls ! Fortunately, not everyone thinks like that.
Imagine instead that people want to collect large figurines, discover the world of dolls at lower cost and weight, and lack the space to store or hide them.

Solution: Learn to distinguish between the reproduction of a child and the miniaturization of a woman.

11. Believing that your dealer is the carrier, the customs agent and even the factory at the same time ! Unfortunately not... All this forms a chain, and it's a little more complicated.
Aucun revendeur n'est transporteur ou fabricant et même un grand groupe français comme CDiscount n'est pas La Poste, DHL et le gouvernement réunis 😉

You'll also stop blaming doll stores for delays, especially when these are clearly and transparently displayed on the website 365 days a year. This is custom manufacturing, not fast food.

Solution: ask about the current lead times, which we update on Ava Love Doll and which vary according to doll manufacturer and period.

Receiving errors

12. Don't cut your doll when you open the parcel! ! Inhale, exhale without over-ventilating, the big box is there, catch your breath after that first effort and relax. Too much euphoria with a sharp blade in your hands is error-prone and you could end up with regrets. Please open the box quietly!
Make room for yourself and unwrap the jewel in zenitude, and enjoy the moment to the full.

13. Forgetting to adjust foot screws ! If you didn't take the stand-up option, we'll still have e-mailed you and in this article. For those who have studied the subject (or who buy the second one), don't forget to adjust the screws on her feet so that they are there to support your doll and not to chop her feet.

Solution: lengthen the doll as soon as it comes out of the box and adjust the screws by hand or with a screwdriver. Allen key.

14. Failure to prepare for arrival ! So, do you invite a lady over without a minimum of preparation? Your waifu is finally here, and you haven't even bothered to clear a square meter or buy a few utensils to give her a proper welcome?
It smells like a doll destroyed in a week! Small, light-colored cotton wipes, cornstarch flour for powdering, swab for cleaning baby bottles The holes in your silicone doll are highly recommended to receive the softness properly.

Certains livreurs ne voient hélas pas la grosse flèche

15. Don't jump on your TPE doll like a pig! ! So what about romance, education and all that? PR for her health! The miss is thirsty for oil following a scorching transport in a generally abused cardboard box.

To top it all off, she'd also have to become a sex slave right out of the package. A little restraint and go buy some kerosene oil, which you should already have by the way. Your doll's oozing with oil, so you think she doesn't need it?
Grave erreur, dès la sortie du carton on a dit 🙂
Madame needs to restore her health to regain all her elasticity and for this she has need to be moisturized. Give him at least three days, it's not much, after three months of waiting.

16. Perfection is not of this world ! Sorry, but even if she's already the chosen one in your heart, the 1500 euro patron saint is imperfect. Joints that are sometimes hard at first, rough spots on the silicone or TPE, mold marks, blurred make-up are all part of the world of love dolls. In short, it's normal, no brand can escape it, and the price won't change a thing.

17. Penetrating a hole in extension ! To preserve the sweet spots, we strongly recommend not visiting them when they're far apart.

Solution: change the inclination of the lady's legs, her position or fax herself into the other orifice.

Extended anus: no go! Upgrade or move your legs

18. Use unsuitable lubricants ! Stick to water-based lubricants only. This is particularly true for TPE dolls, which will quickly be damaged by silicone- or alcohol-based lubricants.

19. Put perfume directly on your doll's skin ! Perfumes contain alcohol, which can damage the surface of the miss. Sobriety we say, and don't forget to turn off the light - it could cost you a kidney.
Solution: spray the fragrance on the outside of the garment to avoid destructive contact.

20. Forget to dry orifices properly ! Humidity and darkness are the perfect cocktail for growing mushrooms. Except that in these places, they're the last thing you want to see. Well, you'll never see them, but if they're itchy after reporting, it's because they don't smell very good.

Solution: always carefully dry your beloved canals, for example with the buffer method.
Pro tips, don't forget them in the back for weeks on end or you'll end up with something gendarmerie blue. Fortunately, I won't mention the smells.

Good news, all bad things must come to an end, like this article. Feel free to add any other points in the comments.
I'll leave you with one of my last photos, a secure anti-piercing elbow and knee position that keeps you warm even in winter.
This softness from the manufacturer Future Doll is made of a soft silicone face, and you can find all its photos here. here.

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