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2024 Silicone doll or TPE - What's the difference?

In a rare move, we're going to keep things simple and to the point for today's pragmatic list. the differences between a silicone doll and a TPE doll.

The main themes covered:

  • Realism
  • Soft touch
  • Maintenance and service life

Visual realism

For regulars, the visual difference is obvious, even incomparable, but when you're not used to it, it's not always obvious. Silicone dolls have finer, more precise facial features. An almost perfect copy of the immobile woman. Here are a few examples, with models in both TPE and silicone.

A gauche Ariel 140 cm silicone, à droite la version TPE

A more detailed body

On TPE dolls, it's still rare to see textures, and when you do, it's still not at the level of detail of a silicone doll.
At best, you have a few reliefs that outline the inside of the hands, the back of the foot, abs, a pubis and shoulder blades.

In most cases, a TPE body has no make-up other than areola and labia majora coloring. Skin color is uniform.

On the silicone side, there's skin pigmentation, small blood vessels, redness on the elbows, inside the hand and much more.

Long-lasting make-up

When it comes to make-up, it's important to distinguish between two different uses. If you display your doll without using it as a sex toy, the make-up will hold up relatively well over time on both materials.
As an example, my TPE Ma(ï)ko doll from 6YE has always had the same make-up on her face since she was born three years ago.

She gets regular kisses, but let's be clear, I don't devour her mouth and I avoid rubbing her as much as possible. I've never put anything in her. That's a bit of an exception, because at 6YE the TPE is really not greasy, and that goes a long way to explaining why the make-up holds up so well.
For most other brands of VSE, it would already be faded even when standing still.

On silicone dolls and even on soft heads, if you don't rub, the face make-up will hardly ever move.

Miss Ma(ï)ko is an expressive TPE doll with original face make-up.

When using sex doll

It's not for lack of hammering: a doll's mouth, whether made of silicone or TPE, is fragile.
If you go down this road, you can say goodbye to lip make-up after just a few uses, whatever the material.

As for the ROS articulated mouthpiecesThey are primarily there to modify the doll's expression. Nevertheless, the oral function on this type of head allows you to tap the throat rather than rub the lips. The throat make-up will then jump out.
The good news is that unless you give him a tonsil inspection, you'll never get to see what's going on down there.
Well, not with your eyes, anyway.

Successive showers

When you're taking lots of photos, even a silicone doll will need a shower every now and then. Clothing fibers on the skin, ambient dust, every soaping has its price. Detergents, however neutral, will fade colors.

If on a TPE, you don't want to go too hard on the areolas and labia majora to keep them colored. On a silicone doll, make-up is applied to 100 % of the body, so certain details fade inexorably.

I'm thinking in particular of the little blue and green veins that usually fade first. It's not so obvious, and it's the kind of thing you notice when you get a new body to compare.

Tips for preserving make-up on silicone dolls

If you're a photographer, it's better to get rid of fibers in post-production rather than systematically showering. Use a duplicating pad and in a minute you've cleaned the whole photo.
You'll save your back, your joints and your make-up. Much less time-consuming and optimized for productivity.

Here's a routine I use for photos, which is to say that I mainly take photos for product sheets:

  1. I dress the doll and start the shoot
  2. I undress her as the photos are taken and she ends up naked.
  3. The next day, I re-dress her on the spot, change her head and wig if necessary, and start all over again.

The doll can easily complete a dozen shoots without taking a single shower. In fine, make-up lasts longer.

Ava Love Doll Piper TPE
Tender Ava Love Doll, invincible Piper Doll is still here, on her way to turning 7

Regularly revive make-up on TPE dolls

If your little miss takes regular showers, and her breasts are duly suckled, her make-up will fade until it disappears completely. There's a simple technique that anyone can apply to make-up that lasts over time, without the need for redoing it all.

Showered and dry, you revive the make-up on your lips, areolas and large lips with greasy palette make-up. This is a easy and inexpensiveSimply stamp with the color of your choice.
If you leave it untouched for a few days, or even weeks, it tends to sink into the TPE.

Repeat this operation regularly, and you'll find that your make-up holds up much better, even after intensive use.

This type of palette is sufficient to cover all needs for reviving make-up on TPE dolls.

Silicone or TPE doll - Soft touch

If you hold a piece of TPE or silicone in your hands, the feel will be soft and plush on both materials. There's no doubt that TPE will be even softer, but on this point silicone doesn't lag behind either.
In practice, the feeling will be quite different, as the design of a silicone and TPE doll differs. To understand the ins and outs, we'll need to talk a little technique, and you'll see more clearly.

Comportement typique d'un corps TPE sans réduction de poids

Weight reduction and its impact on softness

To cut a long story short, a TPE doll is a skeleton insulated by a thick fiber and encased in TPE. In this article I explain the manufacturing process from A to Z, which I was able to immortalize with my colleague directly at the 6YE and JY Doll factories.
If you squeeze his thigh really hard, you'll feel the skeleton. If you picture it, it's as if you can feel his femur through his skin.

On a silicone doll, a firm foam surrounds the skeleton from the shoulders to just above the knees. This is followed by a thin silicone skin. Only the biceps and calves are made entirely of silicone, but this depends on the manufacturer.

If you press hard on his thigh, you won't feel the "femur". You'll feel a resistance - it's the foam that reduces the weight. Like a real thigh, the skin is soft and supple.
If you press your index finger in, the first half centimetre is soft, then you feel the resistance of the muscle.

This foam is lighter than silicone for the same volume. On average, it reduces the mass of a doll by 30 % at the expense of softness. This is what is commonly known as lhe weight reduction.

Do you want it with or without weight reduction?

Fashions and desires come and go in love dolls. For years, the market wanted to reduce weight, which is obvious given the doll's considerable mass.
Nowadays, more and more people are asking for an all-silicone body for the ultimate in softness.

The reason? It's simply more pleasurable to have sex with a silicone or TPE doll without weight reduction. Unsurprisingly, however, it will be heavier.
It's a choice you have to make, and you now have the keys to making it with full knowledge of the facts.

Depending on whether you want a model for exclusive photo purposes, there's no doubt that weight reduction is what you need.
Namely by default, all silicone dolls are weight-reduced on Ava Love Doll.

For those looking for a sex-doll type of use, prefer a doll without weight reduction.

Silicone or TPE doll - Maintenance

The silicone doll requires less maintenance than the TPE version.

  • easier to clean and less risk of mould formation
  • much faster drying, which means less time in the shower or bathtub
  • less sticky than TPE headstock, which generally requires less cleaning
  • it's easier than ever to go powder-free
  • no need for themoisturize with kerosene oil
  • make-up that lasts much longer, so there's little or no need to reapply it

A significant time-saver on a daily basis, especially if you already have a few.

[presto_player id=112994]

Strength - Durability - what about it?

There are so many different brands, so many different silicones, so many different manufacturers' mastery of processes, that it's hard to answer the question in a single sentence.
In 2024, most premium brands have similar skeletons. Some are more mobile than others, but you won't necessarily find better in TPE or silicone, unless you go for the extreme prices found only on a handful of brands.

Rubbing (against a sheet - floor): TPE will be more resistant, will tend to peel and can be easily loosened. Soft silicone will wrinkle on the surface, firmer silicone won't move.

Rubbing (sex doll use): silicone is less sensitive to light lubrication, so you'll feel pain before you damage it. On TPE, you need to lubricate abundantly to prevent erosion of the canal.

Stretching TPE's far greater elasticity means it can absorb a much more extreme stretch at any given moment, when silicone cracks.

Shocks TPE: thanks to its elasticity, TPE is better able to withstand a blunt impact than silicone. If the shock is too intense, a cut or, worse still, a hole is formed, and the material is permanently crushed. On silicone, the behavior is similar, although a smaller shock will produce a similar result.

You can't talk about durability without repairability, because don't expect to take a silicone or TPE doll for years without minor or even major repairs. Silicone can be repaired with freshly cured silicone, or glued where necessary.
However, it is not effective in areas under tension.
To put it another way, cracked groins or armpits on silicone can be filled. The technique is still experimental and won't give the same solidity as the original, but it's still the best available today.

On the VSE side, things are simpler, but can also turn deadly if you have a heavy hand. The material heats upWe're in the welding business. The art of heating quickly and sufficiently, the dexterity of movement, the ability to intervene surgically on a small area.

TPE is binary, beautifully malleable and frustrating at the same time, requiring patience to tame. Modelling TPE is a bit like playing with candle wax: it's only a short step from the final touch to total destruction.

Silicone doll or TPE - Price

Taking your first steps with dolls is a bit like learning to drive. Sometimes you'll stall, sheet metal will be crumpled, in short, mistakes will be made. Depending on your budget, you'll prefer one material or another, with more competitive prices on TPE dolls than on silicones.

Choisir sa première poupée c'est un peu comme arriver devant un énorme menu de plats que vous ne connaissez pas. On a envie de tout goûter, cependant les mets ont un coût et il faut bien choisir.
Take the time to get trained and ask your questions on our channels or on the forum Ava Love Doll.

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2024 Silicone doll or TPE - What's the difference?

In a rare move, we're going to keep things simple and to the point for today's pragmatic list. the differences between a silicone doll and a TPE doll.

The main themes covered:

  • Realism
  • Soft touch
  • Maintenance and service life

Visual realism

For regulars, the visual difference is obvious, even incomparable, but when you're not used to it, it's not always obvious. Silicone dolls have finer, more precise facial features. An almost perfect copy of the immobile woman. Here are a few examples, with models in both TPE and silicone.

A gauche Ariel 140 cm silicone, à droite la version TPE

A more detailed body

On TPE dolls, it's still rare to see textures, and when you do, it's still not at the level of detail of a silicone doll.
At best, you have a few reliefs that outline the inside of the hands, the back of the foot, abs, a pubis and shoulder blades.

In most cases, a TPE body has no make-up other than areola and labia majora coloring. Skin color is uniform.

On the silicone side, there's skin pigmentation, small blood vessels, redness on the elbows, inside the hand and much more.

Long-lasting make-up

When it comes to make-up, it's important to distinguish between two different uses. If you display your doll without using it as a sex toy, the make-up will hold up relatively well over time on both materials.
As an example, my TPE Ma(ï)ko doll from 6YE has always had the same make-up on her face since she was born three years ago.

She gets regular kisses, but let's be clear, I don't devour her mouth and I avoid rubbing her as much as possible. I've never put anything in her. That's a bit of an exception, because at 6YE the TPE is really not greasy, and that goes a long way to explaining why the make-up holds up so well.
For most other brands of VSE, it would already be faded even when standing still.

On silicone dolls and even on soft heads, if you don't rub, the face make-up will hardly ever move.

Miss Ma(ï)ko is an expressive TPE doll with original face make-up.

When using sex doll

It's not for lack of hammering: a doll's mouth, whether made of silicone or TPE, is fragile.
If you go down this road, you can say goodbye to lip make-up after just a few uses, whatever the material.

As for the ROS articulated mouthpiecesThey are primarily there to modify the doll's expression. Nevertheless, the oral function on this type of head allows you to tap the throat rather than rub the lips. The throat make-up will then jump out.
The good news is that unless you give him a tonsil inspection, you'll never get to see what's going on down there.
Well, not with your eyes, anyway.

Successive showers

When you're taking lots of photos, even a silicone doll will need a shower every now and then. Clothing fibers on the skin, ambient dust, every soaping has its price. Detergents, however neutral, will fade colors.

If on a TPE, you don't want to go too hard on the areolas and labia majora to keep them colored. On a silicone doll, make-up is applied to 100 % of the body, so certain details fade inexorably.

I'm thinking in particular of the little blue and green veins that usually fade first. It's not so obvious, and it's the kind of thing you notice when you get a new body to compare.

Tips for preserving make-up on silicone dolls

If you're a photographer, it's better to get rid of fibers in post-production rather than systematically showering. Use a duplicating pad and in a minute you've cleaned the whole photo.
You'll save your back, your joints and your make-up. Much less time-consuming and optimized for productivity.

Here's a routine I use for photos, which is to say that I mainly take photos for product sheets:

  1. I dress the doll and start the shoot
  2. I undress her as the photos are taken and she ends up naked.
  3. The next day, I re-dress her on the spot, change her head and wig if necessary, and start all over again.

The doll can easily complete a dozen shoots without taking a single shower. In fine, make-up lasts longer.

Ava Love Doll Piper TPE
Tender Ava Love Doll, invincible Piper Doll is still here, on her way to turning 7

Regularly revive make-up on TPE dolls

If your little miss takes regular showers, and her breasts are duly suckled, her make-up will fade until it disappears completely. There's a simple technique that anyone can apply to make-up that lasts over time, without the need for redoing it all.

Showered and dry, you revive the make-up on your lips, areolas and large lips with greasy palette make-up. This is a easy and inexpensiveSimply stamp with the color of your choice.
If you leave it untouched for a few days, or even weeks, it tends to sink into the TPE.

Repeat this operation regularly, and you'll find that your make-up holds up much better, even after intensive use.

This type of palette is sufficient to cover all needs for reviving make-up on TPE dolls.

Silicone or TPE doll - Soft touch

If you hold a piece of TPE or silicone in your hands, the feel will be soft and plush on both materials. There's no doubt that TPE will be even softer, but on this point silicone doesn't lag behind either.
In practice, the feeling will be quite different, as the design of a silicone and TPE doll differs. To understand the ins and outs, we'll need to talk a little technique, and you'll see more clearly.

Comportement typique d'un corps TPE sans réduction de poids

Weight reduction and its impact on softness

To cut a long story short, a TPE doll is a skeleton insulated by a thick fiber and encased in TPE. In this article I explain the manufacturing process from A to Z, which I was able to immortalize with my colleague directly at the 6YE and JY Doll factories.
If you squeeze his thigh really hard, you'll feel the skeleton. If you picture it, it's as if you can feel his femur through his skin.

On a silicone doll, a firm foam surrounds the skeleton from the shoulders to just above the knees. This is followed by a thin silicone skin. Only the biceps and calves are made entirely of silicone, but this depends on the manufacturer.

If you press hard on his thigh, you won't feel the "femur". You'll feel a resistance - it's the foam that reduces the weight. Like a real thigh, the skin is soft and supple.
If you press your index finger in, the first half centimetre is soft, then you feel the resistance of the muscle.

This foam is lighter than silicone for the same volume. On average, it reduces the mass of a doll by 30 % at the expense of softness. This is what is commonly known as lhe weight reduction.

Do you want it with or without weight reduction?

Fashions and desires come and go in love dolls. For years, the market wanted to reduce weight, which is obvious given the doll's considerable mass.
Nowadays, more and more people are asking for an all-silicone body for the ultimate in softness.

The reason? It's simply more pleasurable to have sex with a silicone or TPE doll without weight reduction. Unsurprisingly, however, it will be heavier.
It's a choice you have to make, and you now have the keys to making it with full knowledge of the facts.

Depending on whether you want a model for exclusive photo purposes, there's no doubt that weight reduction is what you need.
Namely by default, all silicone dolls are weight-reduced on Ava Love Doll.

For those looking for a sex-doll type of use, prefer a doll without weight reduction.

Silicone or TPE doll - Maintenance

The silicone doll requires less maintenance than the TPE version.

  • easier to clean and less risk of mould formation
  • much faster drying, which means less time in the shower or bathtub
  • less sticky than TPE headstock, which generally requires less cleaning
  • it's easier than ever to go powder-free
  • no need for themoisturize with kerosene oil
  • make-up that lasts much longer, so there's little or no need to reapply it

A significant time-saver on a daily basis, especially if you already have a few.

[presto_player id=112994]

Strength - Durability - what about it?

There are so many different brands, so many different silicones, so many different manufacturers' mastery of processes, that it's hard to answer the question in a single sentence.
In 2024, most premium brands have similar skeletons. Some are more mobile than others, but you won't necessarily find better in TPE or silicone, unless you go for the extreme prices found only on a handful of brands.

Rubbing (against a sheet - floor): TPE will be more resistant, will tend to peel and can be easily loosened. Soft silicone will wrinkle on the surface, firmer silicone won't move.

Rubbing (sex doll use): silicone is less sensitive to light lubrication, so you'll feel pain before you damage it. On TPE, you need to lubricate abundantly to prevent erosion of the canal.

Stretching TPE's far greater elasticity means it can absorb a much more extreme stretch at any given moment, when silicone cracks.

Shocks TPE: thanks to its elasticity, TPE is better able to withstand a blunt impact than silicone. If the shock is too intense, a cut or, worse still, a hole is formed, and the material is permanently crushed. On silicone, the behavior is similar, although a smaller shock will produce a similar result.

You can't talk about durability without repairability, because don't expect to take a silicone or TPE doll for years without minor or even major repairs. Silicone can be repaired with freshly cured silicone, or glued where necessary.
However, it is not effective in areas under tension.
To put it another way, cracked groins or armpits on silicone can be filled. The technique is still experimental and won't give the same solidity as the original, but it's still the best available today.

On the VSE side, things are simpler, but can also turn deadly if you have a heavy hand. The material heats upWe're in the welding business. The art of heating quickly and sufficiently, the dexterity of movement, the ability to intervene surgically on a small area.

TPE is binary, beautifully malleable and frustrating at the same time, requiring patience to tame. Modelling TPE is a bit like playing with candle wax: it's only a short step from the final touch to total destruction.

Silicone doll or TPE - Price

Taking your first steps with dolls is a bit like learning to drive. Sometimes you'll stall, sheet metal will be crumpled, in short, mistakes will be made. Depending on your budget, you'll prefer one material or another, with more competitive prices on TPE dolls than on silicones.

Choisir sa première poupée c'est un peu comme arriver devant un énorme menu de plats que vous ne connaissez pas. On a envie de tout goûter, cependant les mets ont un coût et il faut bien choisir.
Take the time to get trained and ask your questions on our channels or on the forum Ava Love Doll.

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