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Love Doll | How to use the Gel Injection Kit ?

Has your love doll suffered in transit and flattened her breasts? Would you like to shape your silicone doll ? Do you like this TPE body, but the chest is too small for your taste?

At Ava Love Doll, we love dolls so much that we've come up with a solution to make it all happen!
Our gel injection kit allows you to :

  • reshape breasts and buttocks made of gel that have flattened or sagged over time
  • inject a hollow TPE breast to make it more realistic
  • breast augmentation to gain several cup sizes

Alternatively, you can also do it with air, but the effect will be different. The complete technique is in this article.

Silicone doll This before-and-after is more than convincing, both visually and to the touch.

How to use the gel kit

  • mix
  • inject
  • please wait

The gel kit consists of two liquids, A and B, to be mixed at a ratio of 1:1.
A small needle for visually discreet piercing and a larger one for injection.
One 50 ml piston.

Using a spatula, knife or ideally a metal object, mix energetically liquid A for several minutes.
Using another spatula, repeat the operation, mixing in liquid B.

Then mix the two liquids together to obtain a perfect consistency. homogeneous.

Choose a strategic place to fill the crushed area and distribute the gel in the right place.
Depending on the shape of the nipple, it may be useful to inject right in the middle.

You have to push hard to inject, that's normalthe material is thick.

After filling, some gel will ooze out, especially if you've tried to increase the size of your breasts. Blot regularly with a paper towel, for example. Keep a close eye on it for an hour, until the gel has sufficiently polymerized.

When the oozing stops, the operation is complete. Wait at least 72 h to allow the polymerization process to take full effect. If you're a stickler for detail and are working on a TPE headstock, you might consider smoothing the drilling point with a heat gun or straightener to achieve a perfect finish.


When the jars are open or your mixing is in progress, act quickly. Everything should be ready: the doll is positioned, you know where you're going to inject, and there's something to wipe your hands with or a needle to carry.

Silicone is injectable for 10 - 15 minutes. After this average time, the polymerization will be too far advanced and you won't be able to inject it, as it will get stuck in the syringe.

Be sure to clean the syringe and plunger immediately after use to prevent too much silicone from drying inside and rendering them inoperative.

To keep your gel in good condition over time, keep the jars closed as follows as watertight as possible and protect from light. Do not refrigerate, store at room temperature.

Protected from the light, we said!

What quantity for what use?

Each jar is 100 ml for a theoretical mix of 200 ml.
In practice, you can count on a possible injection of around 180 ml.

In the video above, I'm injecting relatively large breasts into a 163 cm F-cup Future Doll on her stomach. Each breast is the equivalent of half a handball, and they're really badly damaged.

One kit is enough for most large doll breasts. If you need to fill the hollow breasts of a TPE doll, the 200 ml will be more than enough for most dolls.

Complete gel injection kit for love doll

What are the benefits of gel injection?

Gel breasts come as standard on most silicone dolls, and are clearly the most realistic in terms of touch, movement and feeling of heaviness.
For VSEs, it's generally possible to choose between three types of breast.

  • the full chest, which, as its name suggests, is made of 100 % TPE.
  • the hollow breast, whose core is devoid of TPEs, usually filled with air or cellulose wadding. The breast is lighter in the hand, but softer than the full version.
  • and the gel version which is no more and no less than a hollow breast filled with silica gel, much softer than the TPE itself.

If you missed out on this option and your love doll has hollow breasts, the gel injection kit can be used to fill them. Heavier, they'll be softer and swing more than the hollow version.

Does the gel also work on the buttocks of silicone dolls?

YesThe gel can be injected into silicone buttocks to reshape them or compensate for crushing during transport. Inject slowly to reshape the right areas and avoid over-deforming the buttocks.

Sometimes it is necessary to inject in several places to achieve perfect buttocks, so don't hesitate to take your time. to make things right.

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Love Doll | How to use the Gel Injection Kit ?

Has your love doll suffered in transit and flattened her breasts? Would you like to shape your silicone doll ? Do you like this TPE body, but the chest is too small for your taste?

At Ava Love Doll, we love dolls so much that we've come up with a solution to make it all happen!
Our gel injection kit allows you to :

  • reshape breasts and buttocks made of gel that have flattened or sagged over time
  • inject a hollow TPE breast to make it more realistic
  • breast augmentation to gain several cup sizes

Alternatively, you can also do it with air, but the effect will be different. The complete technique is in this article.

Silicone doll This before-and-after is more than convincing, both visually and to the touch.

How to use the gel kit

  • mix
  • inject
  • please wait

The gel kit consists of two liquids, A and B, to be mixed at a ratio of 1:1.
A small needle for visually discreet piercing and a larger one for injection.
One 50 ml piston.

Using a spatula, knife or ideally a metal object, mix energetically liquid A for several minutes.
Using another spatula, repeat the operation, mixing in liquid B.

Then mix the two liquids together to obtain a perfect consistency. homogeneous.

Choose a strategic place to fill the crushed area and distribute the gel in the right place.
Depending on the shape of the nipple, it may be useful to inject right in the middle.

You have to push hard to inject, that's normalthe material is thick.

After filling, some gel will ooze out, especially if you've tried to increase the size of your breasts. Blot regularly with a paper towel, for example. Keep a close eye on it for an hour, until the gel has sufficiently polymerized.

When the oozing stops, the operation is complete. Wait at least 72 h to allow the polymerization process to take full effect. If you're a stickler for detail and are working on a TPE headstock, you might consider smoothing the drilling point with a heat gun or straightener to achieve a perfect finish.


When the jars are open or your mixing is in progress, act quickly. Everything should be ready: the doll is positioned, you know where you're going to inject, and there's something to wipe your hands with or a needle to carry.

Silicone is injectable for 10 - 15 minutes. After this average time, the polymerization will be too far advanced and you won't be able to inject it, as it will get stuck in the syringe.

Be sure to clean the syringe and plunger immediately after use to prevent too much silicone from drying inside and rendering them inoperative.

To keep your gel in good condition over time, keep the jars closed as follows as watertight as possible and protect from light. Do not refrigerate, store at room temperature.

Protected from the light, we said!

What quantity for what use?

Each jar is 100 ml for a theoretical mix of 200 ml.
In practice, you can count on a possible injection of around 180 ml.

In the video above, I'm injecting relatively large breasts into a 163 cm F-cup Future Doll on her stomach. Each breast is the equivalent of half a handball, and they're really badly damaged.

One kit is enough for most large doll breasts. If you need to fill the hollow breasts of a TPE doll, the 200 ml will be more than enough for most dolls.

Complete gel injection kit for love doll

What are the benefits of gel injection?

Gel breasts come as standard on most silicone dolls, and are clearly the most realistic in terms of touch, movement and feeling of heaviness.
For VSEs, it's generally possible to choose between three types of breast.

  • the full chest, which, as its name suggests, is made of 100 % TPE.
  • the hollow breast, whose core is devoid of TPEs, usually filled with air or cellulose wadding. The breast is lighter in the hand, but softer than the full version.
  • and the gel version which is no more and no less than a hollow breast filled with silica gel, much softer than the TPE itself.

If you missed out on this option and your love doll has hollow breasts, the gel injection kit can be used to fill them. Heavier, they'll be softer and swing more than the hollow version.

Does the gel also work on the buttocks of silicone dolls?

YesThe gel can be injected into silicone buttocks to reshape them or compensate for crushing during transport. Inject slowly to reshape the right areas and avoid over-deforming the buttocks.

Sometimes it is necessary to inject in several places to achieve perfect buttocks, so don't hesitate to take your time. to make things right.

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