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Blog posts
August 30, 2024
Bra Size Calculator

It's not always easy to find the right bra size for your doll. Disclaimer, if you've come to find out your own size, the calculator works too. You can rely on the brands' measurements, but for lingerie that fits like a glove, we strongly advise you to take your own measurements. This article is for [...]

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8 June 2023
Current Promotions

Updated September 04, 2024 Fanreal Silicone Doll Offered until September 30, 2024, promotion on Fanreal brand silicone dolls ✅soft gel buttocks✅hard hands✅articulated toes, available only on 157D, 165D, 172E & 173D bodies Offered all year on Ava Love Doll ✅option stand firm silicone✅chest [...].

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August 13, 2024
[Guide] Silicone Dolls Find the right softness for you

Silicone dolls: how to find the right softness for an extraordinary experience? Avoid costly disappointments and start off on the right foot with the right information. We'll take a look at all the points to consider and compare various configurations, which you'll find at the bottom of the article.

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June 12, 2024
How to choose the ideal size for an adult doll?

Vous cherchez la taille idéale de votre poupée pour adulte, mais mille questions se bouscule ? Peur de prendre trop lourd ou trop petit ? Cet article a été mijoté pour vous ! Pour commencer procédons par élimination en quatre points avec ces quelques questions que vous devriez vous poser avant achat. 1. Poupée Adulte […]

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May 29, 2024
Why Your Silicone Doll May Be Heavier Than Advertised

"J'ai acheté une poupée silicone de 35 kg et elle en fait 37, comment-est-ce possible ?"Il existe une croyance en love doll que les usines chinoises n'arriveraient pas à utiliser un pèse personne, que la masse des poupées serait toujours erronée. Mais comment est-ce possible dans le pays de l'industrie informatique de pointe ? Dans […]

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5 May 2024
[Videos] How to care for and clean a Silicone doll or TPE?

Afraid of damaging it, keen to make it last, are you looking for information on how to clean and care for your silicone or TPE doll? Grab a cup of coffee or tea and some notes, and let's get down to the nitty-gritty. Introduction In this article, I'm going to share with you the routines I've found [...].

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20 April 2024
[Video] Zelex launches its new Ultra Soft Series

This April 2024 Zelex has once again raised the barometer with its new ultra-soft silicone series. While we wait for the next guaranteed heatwave, let's take a quick look at this new innovation from our future number 1 in Dolly Score. Ah, you don't know this new concept? It's a ranking [...].

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